英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:05:05
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

be traced to

1. Chinese family names can be traced back thousands of years and people generally feel a closeness to those with the same surname.

2. The commencement of Tibet University can be traced back to the Tibetan Language Workshop established in the early stages of peaceful liberation in 1951.

3. While community governments throughout the world have long been coping with debt, the situation in China can be traced to 1994.

4. Hot money is stolen cash that can be traced back to a crime, such as marked currency or new bills with consecutive serial numbers.

5. Chan's criminal record can be traced back three decades ago, when he was sent to a detention center for indecent assault.

6. The RCSC also launched an online donation information database after the scandal last year, aiming to allow every donation made to the organization to be traced.

7. A 2011 scientific report says the karst is a product of a long evolution which can be traced from the Pliocene period to present.

8. Many disputes and differences between the two countries can be traced back to the hostilities extant in the two societies.

9. The company's last business with the mainland can be traced to 2002, when it provided seven air traffic control automation systems.

10. Australia has banned the firm from bidding, citing concerns about cyber attacks that can be traced to China.

1. Nobody knows exactly that howfar back the Olympic Games go, while the history of the ancientOlympic Games can be traced back over 3, 000 years to ancientGreece.

2. Although the specific origin of the caduceus is unknown, its beginnings can be traced back to Greek and Roman mythology.

3. be traced to

3. Although there are many reasons in the formation of modem law of law. the theoretical recourse can be traced back to natural law.

4. Although there are many reasons in the formation of modern law of law, the theoretical recourse can be traced back to natural law.

5. The silk screen printing originating in China can be traced back to more than 2, 000 years ago.

6. Combined with a mail drop, you can purchase any goods you want and they can never be traced to you.


7. The city`s history can be traced back to Qin Dynasty.

8. According to historical data from the temple, the origin of Yimin Temple can be traced back to the rebellion of Lin Shuang-Wen in Ching Dynasty in 1782. After the rebellion ceased, the rest of survived soldiers tried to transport at least two hundred martyrs to a burial ground. However, something weird happened on the halfway. The cattle would not go further when they were in Fangliao, Hsinchu. People believed that cattle must know the place was a fortunate land, so they decided to bury the bodies at the foothill behind Hsinchu Yiming Temple.

9. In short, to this flase view can be traced all the evils in the world.

10. The concept of love can be traced back at least to the classical Greeks, who had four concepts related to the modern concept of love: Storge, Agape, Philia and Eros.

11. The concept of loe can be traced back at least to the classical Greeks, who had four concepts related to the modern concept of loe: Storge, Agape, Philia and Eros.

12. be traced to在线翻译

12. While the cowbell is commonly found in musical contexts, its origin can be traced to freely roaming animals.

13. be traced to什么意思

13. The research on public satisfaction index measurement towards government can be traced back to government remolding movement of western countries.

14. be traced to的翻译

14. The wellsprings of popular songs can be traced back to composers of the 1930s and 1940s, such as Li Jinhui and Chen Gexin, the ideological quality of whose artistry was uneven.

15. be traced to

15. BP in the footsteps of China's production and operation can be traced back to the 1970s.

16. The author holds that the Huigus, Sogdians and Tatars were not the ethnic oringin of the Shatuo people, but only the components of the Shatuo ethnic community; the Shatuos'origin could be traced back to the Zhuyie tribe of the Chuyue confederation of the Western Tujue People.

17. Some people think that most crimes can be traced back to greed for money.

18. be traced to的反义词

18. They could only be traced for a few yards, but appeared to lead to a hole in the hedge.

19. be traced to的翻译

19. The sample shown in Fig. 1 has a low nanotube density, allowing an individual SWNT to be traced by SEM imaging for length measurement.

20. Arles the first time the city can be traced back to BC for 46 years, but in the Middle Ages had been destroyed and aggression, until only the reconstruction of the 12th century, many magnificent medieval monuments, to become that period full of vitality and wealth proof, and in the 17 and 18th century during the construction of some houses, while the formation of the old city's most fascinating part of the charm.

  • 临近词

For each target, the tracing compound name or fragment the measurement should be traced to, and the data type that it should be traced as.(对于各目标,跟踪复合名称或者应该跟踪的度量片段,以及应该跟踪的数据类型。)
Very little of the rising share of tax payments from the rich can be traced to changes in rates.(富人所缴纳的税款份额一直上升,能与税率挂钩的是其中很少一部分。)
Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control.(究其原因,总会归结到命令和控制的陈腐观念上来。)
The mediocre design of many contemporary buildings can be traced to both clients and architects.(许多当代建筑的平庸设计可以说是客户和建筑师双方造成的。)
We now know that the decisions humans make can be traced to the firing patterns of neurons in specific parts of the brain.(我们现在知道了大脑特定位置的神经元放电模式是人类决策产生的根源所在。)
Lovelock's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood.(洛夫洛克自成一套的非主流表现可以追溯到他的童年时期。)
The saying can be traced to one of Aesop's Fables.(这成语可以追溯到一篇伊索寓言。)
Spread in several countries can no longer be traced to clearly-defined chains of human-to-human transmission.(若干国家中的传播已不能追踪到明确界定的人际传播链。)
Nonrepudiation provides evidence that a particular action occurred and can be traced to a specific entity (user or business).(抗抵赖性提供了发生过某个动作的证据,并且可以跟踪到特定的实体(用户或者公司)。)
Some of his antipathy to Banks might be traced to this time, when his job seemed at risk.(他对银行界的部分反感可以追溯到这个时候。)
be traced to是什么意思 be traced to在线翻译 be traced to什么意思 be traced to的意思 be traced to的翻译 be traced to的解释 be traced to的发音 be traced to的同义词